Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sore swollen throat

This goofy pic is from yesterday at lunch!

My poor baby has his first sore throat. He is having a hard time eating. When we glanced in it today it was bright red, swollen and white spots. Guess he is off to the doctor tomorrow to get some medication. I don't think Ethan has been sick in almost 2 years. Amazing, huh?! He did not get sick once last year. His doctors mentioned it at his check-up. And for being in preschool last year too, that was amazing. I think he is a carrier. Brooklynn gets sick quite a bit.

The weekend has been pretty good. We had lunch with Thomas, Jess, and Jackson yesterday. After that i dropped alex and the kids off at home and had some MUCH NEEDED me time. Alex stays at my parents now to save on gas money and has only been coming home on his days off. We have been doing this a month or so now. It has helped us a lot in the financial department! But, i defiently needed a few hours of me time. After that we went out shopping all of us to get Alex a new Antenna for the TV. He is happy, hopefully.

After much talking, he has decided to stay with the company he is with now. We are giving the house until the end of contract date and after that we are taking it off and staying here. We have come up with a few things we want to do here. We are going to try to modernize our bathroom. That should be pretty cheap. And then set money back to redo the flooring in the house. I want to get this carpet out! So, hopefully once we decide on what we want, we can save enough so in 6 months we can do it. That is exciting though.

Well, i guess i am off to finish watching Ladie and the Tramp with the kiddos. Tomorrow i need to get some pediasure (and i have coupons for it) for him to drink with his throat. That way he can stay healthy. And first thing in the morning, call the doc and get him in. This is when it sucks he is allergic to penicillan. Its time for that nice $50 antibiotic! Ick!

Hope everyone had a great weekend :)


Sarah said...

Ethan's pic: he must be showing you how he really feels! :)

Me time: Much needed! Did you know there are 'me time' shirts? I was this close ( <-> ) to buying one.